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New igus® adapter reduces assembly time of energy chains by 80%20.11.2020
Safe and quick connecting, that is the idea behind the Module Connect interface concept, which igus developed for applications where a large number of connected cables come together in a very small space. Instead of connecting each cable individually, the energy chain systems can be plugged in in seconds through the low-profile and space-saving housing. Depending on the housing, the user can choose up to four Harting Han Modular inserts, e.g. for pneumatics, power, BUS and signal, from a modular system. The connectors can be individually connected to each other. A high contact density is thus possible for every application. igus developed an adapter so that the connector can also be safely connected to the energy chain. Depending on the chain series, chain width and number of Module Connect connectors, igus manufactures the adapter for each customer in 3D printing and soon also as a modular series part in injection moulding. It is then simply fastened on the Module Connect and attached to the chain using a snap-in mechanism.