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Openable igus energy chain for cleanrooms gets ISO Class 118.05.2020
Without a cleanroom, it would be impossible to produce pharmaceutical products, microchips, OLEDs, LCDs or semiconductors. Because even the smallest contamination leads to an impairment and ultimately to the destruction of the product. Therefore, almost particle-free rooms with abrasion-resistant machine components are the be-all and end-all. For companies that manufacture machines and plant for cleanrooms, the certifications of the Fraunhofer Institute IPA via the ISO classes make the search for suitable - cleanroom-compatible - components, significantly easier. The class of a cleanroom is representative of a prescribed and approved amount of microorganisms or particles. The motion plastics specialist igus has now had its modular and easily openable energy supply range called 'e-skin' tested at the Fraunhofer Institute IPA, with and without cables. Among them is the e-skin energy supply, which has already won the Fraunhofer clean manufacturing award "Clean! 2018", the e-skin soft for compact installation spaces and short unsupported lengths, as well as the e-skin flat for extremely flat inserts, in an enclosed and openable chamber version. All energy chains received the Fraunhofer Tested Device certificate of ISO Class 1 and have the first class cleanroom-compatibility.